and to spareの例文
- in 1183 , mitsuyuki , who was in heian-kyo (the ancient capital of japan , present-day kyoto ) at that time , went to kamakura city to submit a petition of apology and to spare the life of minamoto no mitsusue , his father who had been on the side of the taira family .
寿永2年(1183年)に平安京にいた光行は、平家方であった父の源光季の謝罪と助命嘆願のため、鎌倉市に下向した。 - on the way east , the prince made up his mind up to spare yoshinobu ' s life by having him swear allegiance , in sunpu , he met with kitashirakawa no miya prince yoshihisa from edo , who came to ask him to break off the attack east and to spare yoshinobu ' s life , he asked the hosshinno ' s (the prince who went into the priesthood and received a title to become the prince by the emperor ) opinion about sparing yoshinobu ' s life .